Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So on Friday afternoon, when I had lots to do inside my house, I locked myself in the backyard. At least I had the dogs out there with me (I guess) and some sodas... It was almost 3:00 when I discovered the sliding glass door locked behind me. Great. So, I mess around with some stuff and sit down. Here are a few things I learned...
1. I need to hide a key
2. I could write a children's book, and it would be about being nice to your dogs.
3. How to work the most complicated bubbles ever.
4. Coke has less caffine than Diet Coke... weird, huh?
5. my window screen is very difficult to get back on. as a matter of fact, it is still off.
6. I would never last on Survivor.
7. Duncan HATES the dog next door.

Well into hour 2, as I was lounging on our wooden loveseat, I heard a loud knock on the door. My BIL, Peyton was there. I ran around to the front yard and invited Brandon's parents and brother to the backyard for a diet coke.....


Amy said...

I laughed out loud at that last line.

Aggie99 said...

We still haven't hidden a key after I locked myself out over a month ago.

I had NO IDEA Diet Coke had more caffeine...interesting. Sadly, still not a reason for me to make the switch. :)

I'm glad you finally shared what you learned. I've been wondering!

LynnAnn said...

You are so funny! I love that you ended up having a party in the back!

Katie E said...

Jacob locks me out out all the time, but he's nice enough to unlock the door for me. We need to hide a key though!