Thursday, March 12, 2009

We have a sick kiddo over here at the Oakley House. Gates woke up this morning with a temperature and a runny nose. I took her in to the doctor, and she has a virus. Most likely it will run its course (via the nose), and she will feel better soon.

The timing of this illness was not very good. Last night, and I hesitate to even write this, Gates ate the grossest thing a kid can eat. That is right, dog do-do. :(
Scrabble has a problem with the rain, and she dropped a little pellet on the floor before she could make it out. Unfortunately, I did not see the pellet until it was coming out of Gates's mouth.
I confessed to the doctor, and luckily she laughed instead of sending me to CPS. She said it is not related.


Amy said...

Pax picked up dog doo at the park and tried to eat it several months ago. He was horrified at the taste. I hope Gates is feeling better soon.

Katie said...

Did they give you any drugs? J has something right now ... no fever, but a very runny nose and I was thinking of taking him in tomorrow. Sorry about the poo - happens to the best of us!!!

Holly said...

When I told Gates to "eat shit" last time I saw her, I wasn't being serious! :)