Thursday, July 23, 2009

Today on the way to Grandear's house, I was listening to my IPOD. Isn't it funny how certain songs remind you of certain points in your life?? I am not too into music, I like it fine, but am much more of a book or TV lover. Music, nice, but I am no Singing Bee contestant.
Anyways, I started thinking, and pretty much every significant time in my life (even the insignificant ones) I recall according to song... here are a few...
Birdhouse in Your Soul (or any They Might Be Giants song) reminds me of Holly and 9th grade English. I did a presentation on this song. Holly turned me onto the CD.
Any 90s country pretty much reminds me of Cowpokes. Especially that song Strawberry Wine. Isn't that the name of that song??? Totally reminds me of Cowpokes, waiting in line to get in, and then dancing the night away, all the while empting my flask of vodka into water. Nice, I know. Water was free and I was poor. Disgusting combo to my ears at this moment...

Enya songs and Yaz remind me of Rush. Yes, my sorority sang an Enya song during rush...

Leaving on a Jet Plane, totally reminds me of F/A training. I wish you could have seen our skits on graduation day! Really cute.

One Thing by Jack Ingram = Brandon... Always will make me think of Brandon.

And back to They Might Be Giants.. I am pretty darn sure that Gymboree's soundtrack is done by TMBG. I asked but that lady didn't know. So it kind of makes me think of Gymboree, but also, when I am shopping there, I think of Holly, and 9th grade English!


Amy said...

Yes, They Might Be Giants does children's music

Ruth said...

I love that Jack Ingram is one of your "life songs!"