Friday, November 26, 2010

Bed Rest

Things are going pretty well on the ol' BR, so far.

I am super duper thankful for my Brandon. He is really being a champ.
I am super duper thankful for my mom. She is really being a caring, loving, mom.
I am super duper thankful for my mother in law, Donna. She is helping us so very much!
And I am super duper thankful that I do not have to sit in my bed too long! I just keep thinking, what if I were only 20 weeks pregnant??? I may very well go insane. I am not one that sits still. I am not one that stays home.

As I lie here, I make little lists of things that need to be done. Doesn't that sound like a charming attribute?? The 3 aforementioned saints have been knocking off the items on the list. Occasionally, I get an eye roll or two (Donna doesn't eye roll). I can't wait to see what they say when I add "put up Christmas tree" to the list.

My Blood Pressure is high. That is what this is all about. A week ago Monday, when I went in for my regular appointment it was elevated, and she said to take it easy. She told me to call if my face or hands had intense swelling, if I got headaches, or if I was nauseous. Well, my face blew up like a balloon, so I called. I would post a picture of it here, but I am no idiot. It could be used to blackmail me for years to come!!!! Let's just say it was horrifying.

It could be much worse, because when I was in the office Wed, she ran some tests, and told me that if they did not come back favorable, then I was going to go have the baby that day! The tests came back normal, so I was able to remain home! I go back Monday, and will find out the little dude's birthday!

1 comment:

BELLE said...