Wednesday, January 14, 2009

9 months old

Well, today our little girl is 9 months old. Where have these 9 months gone? They sure went faster than the 9 months before that!!!

Gates is doing really well, and while she does not have a scheduled 9 month appointment with Dr. Wheeler, we have been there 3 times in the last month.I took her Monday, b/c she was grabbing her ear. Nothing is wrong with her, and I did not really think there was, but better to be safe than sorry. Even if those nurses do gag when they hear me calling!

She has 3 teeth, and the front 2 teeth will probably be here by the weekend, if not tomorrow! She is eating all sorts of foods. I must admit, now that I have given her yogurt, she is less happy with the green peas, and green beans, but hey I would be too.

1 comment:

The Hake Family said...

Loving the hair in two bows! She is getting so big.