It all began one year (and a day) ago! The most rewarding, happiest, most fun, most difficult, most exciting, most challenging job of my life! Motherhood. It all began when this little baby was born and blessed our lives in ways we could never imagine. It is so very difficult for me to believe that she is already one year old (and I am also patting myself on the back that she is still in one piece!) I have said it once and I will say it again, there is no way of knowing what is about to hit you when you have a baby. It is all new. It is all different. Your life ceases to be about you. It is now about this person that you instantly love and adore, and your mission is to try and shape her into a happy, healthy, human being.

Here we are!

Yesterday morning Brandon stayed home from work and the two (three if you count scrabble) went in to greet the Birthday Girl! Good Morning Gatesy.

We got ready to go to playgroup at Tiffanie's house and took a couple of photos before we left. Mommy and Gatesy.

Gatesy with her main man. Daddy!

After playgroup my mom and dad came over to give Gates her birthday gift. This fabulous wagon, which was a HUGE hit around here! Seriously, she was in it for a long time!!!

Dunc checking it out, thinking it looks kinda cool. Grandear waving as Gates passes by.... again.

Yes! Dunc gets to try the thing out too! This will come in handy for our sweet, club-footed doggie.

BoPop and Gatesy strolling back and forth, up and down, round and round!

Then my dad left for a Ranger game, and mom, Brandon, Gates and myself went to the park (in the wagon) for a picnic. I told mom we could pull her in it too, since she has to get a new hip. She refrained.
Grandear and Goose.

Our family has changed a bit in this year. We are a happy three, looking forward to many more celebrations with our little miracle.
That pic of you and Gates is AWESOME! I also love the last one of the three of you. So glad G liked the wagon!
Happy Birthday #1, Gates!
With best wishes from Callie's GaGa
Happy Birthday Gates! Agree with Jenny - cute pics!!!
Happy Birthday Gates!
BTW - Your hair looks great!
I can't believe she is one already...seems like just yesterday. The pics are great. Hope ya'll had a great day!
Happy Birthday sweet Gates (a bit late)! You are so precious!
How funny - we got Leo the same thing for his birthday. Happy Very First Birthday Gates!!! And Mallie - happy one-year anniversary of the best thing you've ever done. :-)
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