Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Darling Little Caveman

Toddler years are not that neat. Well, there are some fantastic parts. If I do not cut my ears off from the screaming and yelling, then listening to her learning to talk is nice. If I do not gouch my eyes out from the lack of sleep, then watching her dance is pretty cool. If I do not pull out all of my hair, then it is kinda fun when she brushes it. OK, there are fun parts of the toddler years. I have decided (or maybe I heard somewhere) that my toddler is like a caveman. She does not know all the graces of life yet. She does what she must do to survive and goes on instinct alone. This makes me want to teach her everything all at once. Unfortunately, that is not realistic. The reality, I am afraid, is that it is a long, slow, process.

Just to clairfy, I am joking here... (mostly) and I am amazed at my toddler. However, next time you see me, I might be deaf, blind and bald!