Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving (2 days late)

We went out to Garland for a great Turkey Feast. It was wonderful to see all the family, and for Gates to meet a lot of them. Everything was so fun, and I was bummed to leave such a party, and head to work.

Do you always try and remember to give thanks and remember all of the things that you are Thankful for on Thanksgiving? If not, you should ; )...
I am thankful for all of the obvious things, and this year I was thankful for a few more.
I was (and am) thankful that I was not bipolar and unmedicated. If I were bipolar, I would hopefully try and stay on the meds. I had a small (bizarre) run-in with a bipolar girl on the plane...
I am also thankful for the Doubletree cookie. It really was just the right treat before I hit the sack. In addition to my cookie, I am thankful for the other flight attendant that abandoned her cookie, and therefore I was able to eat 2.

Gates found these maracas at MawMaws house! How much fun, these proved to be!Zak, Tucker, Pops

MawMaw, Pops, Aunt Terri, and Gates!!
Dee Dee and Pops with Gates
Zak and Brandon

Learning to Pull up on this fun table! Thanks Maw Maw for having such fun toys!


Mallie&Brandon said...

FYI, if you don't know me well, you might not sense my jovial manner in the post. I am not being insensitive to mental disease, and I am also not trying to downplay all of the important stuff that I am thankful for....

Amy said...

Darius has a maraca like Gates. He likes to bang it on his head. Mommy now just plays the maraca for Darius.