Yea!!! What a great video! She looks so cute moving around!
Look at her go! I have a feeling playgroup is going to look very different next time!
YAHOO! Been waiting for video footage. I knew a couple weeks ago that she was super close.
Are you freakin' kidding me??? That's amazing! Isn't she supposed to be like two months away from being able to do that? Leo's only 48 hours younger and nowhere near capable of that. Wow. Go Gates, go!
Oh my gosh... when did she start crawling? BRAVO!!
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Yea!!! What a great video! She looks so cute moving around!
Look at her go! I have a feeling playgroup is going to look very different next time!
YAHOO! Been waiting for video footage. I knew a couple weeks ago that she was super close.
Are you freakin' kidding me??? That's amazing! Isn't she supposed to be like two months away from being able to do that? Leo's only 48 hours younger and nowhere near capable of that. Wow. Go Gates, go!
Oh my gosh... when did she start crawling? BRAVO!!
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