Thursday, December 18, 2008

A few things I have noticed about babies...

1. They really do love to play with electical cords. Everytime she goes near a cord, I just picture that cat from Christmas Vacation.....

2. Once they learn a new skill, it is all they want to do. Gates LOVES to pull up, on the table, chairs, my legs, the toilet.... what have you!

3. Their noses just get snotty sometimes. Before I was a mom, I would see a snot-nosed kid and think to myself, "just wipe his nose, already".... now, I know, it just isn't that simple...

4. dogs love baby toys.... and guess what? That's right, babies LOVE dog toys.

5. Also, before I was a mom I would see those play areas in a mall and think, "I would never let my kid play there, think of all the germs...." Now, she plays there. And LOVES it!!!


Meggan and Trent said...

Ditto all of the above except for #4 since we don't have a dog. :)

Amy said...

I'm finding it easier to just not wipe the nose. ;)

Mom said...

True true true. The food experience is something else. Food everywhere :)