Monday, December 29, 2008


On Friday we flew down to McAllen to be with Brandon's family. Their dog, a german shorthaired pointer, had puppies last week. There are 9 of them, and it is very amazing to see the mom dog take care of her babies... Are they cute, or what? Notice the green one? He came out green. If we took it we would name it Elphaba. Elphie for short. Brandon, Gates, and Uncle Peyton...
DeeDee and Pops got Gates this push/ride toy, and it is official, she loves it!

Dang it, I did not take any good pictures. We had a great time, and enjoyed seeing the southern family members. We even talked about moving there, it was afterall, 92 degrees on Saturday!


The Hake Family said...

K got the same one from my parents. She loves it too! Maybe they can race : )

Amy said...

I would totally take a green dog for the sole purpose of naming it Elphaba.