Friday, April 4, 2008


That little bird killer is driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!! He is the world's most barkingest dog.... ever....
He barks at squirrels, birds, leaves, dirt, people walking by, the wind, the rain, the mailman, the neighbor's dog, (that is the main culprit).... He is driving me nuts.
He was just going COMPLETELY NUTS, so I took my camera in to capture his insanity. Now, none of you are going to believe me that he is not the sweetest little dog ever.... At least I found something that will hush him up!


The Hake Family said...
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Ruth said...

this is hilarious! he just looks like he's like "mom, I am NOT going to bark on camera!"

ChaCha said...

I'm one proud great-maw maw!!!!

Unknown said...

That is hilarious about that silly Duncan!
My advice is if he is going to bark let him bark from the 1st day the baby comes home and Gates will get use to Duncan barking and he will never wake up that sweet baby when she is napping!
Aunt Dorothy

Mommy of Two said...

He looks too sweet to be a noisemaker.