Friday, April 11, 2008

No More Nesting

I had another doctor's appointment and things have not changed. Well, my blood pressure has changed, but that is about it. My blood pressure was pretty high, and she just told me to take it easy and do not exercise and call if I get headaches. I am hoping that the blood pressure goes down by Tuesday, when I go to the doctor again. I am not going to exert too much energy this weekend or next week. I think I nested myself into a frenzy.
I am thinking of renting One Tree Hill and watching it until I have a baby. I have never seen it before, but have heard it is a good show. I am looking forward to a nice weekend. The weather seems pretty nice, not that I have gone outside... I turned down the air to 68 last night, I was convinced that if I got too hot, my blood pressure might go up! I know, ridiculous, but I like it cold, and I did not want to get a BP induced headache.... I am sure all my worrying really helped!


Amy said...

Have you been exercising???

Ruth said...

I know it is hard, but try to rest up! Take it easy on yourself, and enjoy your "last days"!

Meggan and Trent said...

I have gotten so addicted to One Tree Hill re-runs on Soapnet! :) Take care of yourself this weekend.

Unknown said...

Rest sweetie rest!!!!!
You will need it!!
You are going to do just great
can't wait!!

Love Aunt Dorothy