Sunday, February 24, 2008

A day in Paris

Today my mother and I went to Paris to visit my grandfather. In addition to seeing him, there was a birthday party for my great aunt. It was a nice family kind of day, as my mom ran into 5 of her first cousins, some of which she had not seen in my entire lifetime!! Soft Hair was doing better and is, again, over pnemonia. My great aunt is in the nursing home after having a stroke in December. She is not doing very well, but everyone is keeping her company and trying to keep her comfortable. Keep her in your prayers, as well as her husband. As my Soft Hair said, he is just lost. I can not even imagine being married to someone for so many years, and having them suddenly fall ill, quite ill. Lost seems to be the best word to describe what he must be feeling. I think that must be how Soft Hair felt when my grandmother died too.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I know my grandfather was lost after losing my grandmother even though mentally she had been gone for years. My brother said it best when he said he thinks there just came a time when granddaddy said "I miss her too much, time to go see her again".