Wednesday, February 13, 2008

so many medicines

Today, I am feeling much better! I am still congested, but no more fever. It is so funny being sick and pregnant. I am NOT one of those people that is careful and all cautious about the medication that I take. I mean, if I have a headache, I take pills. I do not suffer b/c my body is a temple and should not have medicines in it. This go around, I do feel as if I need to be more careful and not take quite as many things as I normally would. I guess that was not apparent to Brandon. He is such a nice, sweet, husband. I took some tylenol sinus (appoved by my doc), and then some robitussin (also approved)... and then I HAD to take some afrin nosespray. I explained to him that although my doctor did not permit Afrin, Amy's bf, Alison, (who is a gyno) said it was ok. Also, the internet, and Jenny (as good a source as the internet) seemed to think this was just fine, and since it would bring me instant relief, I was doing it!
Basically, he looked at me all cute and sweet and told me to just be careful, that I did not need to do anything... brace yourself here, this is very unPC..... heath ledger like.
I feel sad about Heath's death, but it is a good example of responsible medicinal use....


The Hake Family said...

Is this the same Brandon that didn't want to name Duncan 'Gimpy' because it would send a bad message to your kids someday? : )

Amy said...

I should say that Alison does not push a routine use of Afrin. It is highly addictive and can screw your nasal passages up. Moderation is key!! I had a doctor prescribe Flonase to me. He said it is much safer than Afrin but needs a prescription... which he finds dumb.

I think a better nose spray to use would be a saline based solution. I texted you the names that were on my list from the doctor.