Saturday, June 28, 2008

Update: I talked to mom. They gave her 2 rounds of morphine this morning and she said it is finally kicking in. (I could tell it was kicked in) :)
The doc asked her if she wanted crutches and she said she would just hop. HMmmmmm. The doc said that with the swollen foot, and the pain meds that "hopping" probably is not the best thing.
She said that being bitten a couple of times on the foot is like being stung by 100 scorpions all at the same time. FYI, she knows what a scorpion sting feels like. Granbury is kind of like wilderness camp, without exterminators.......
The did not find or kill the snake. Actually, they never even saw it (they assume it is a copperhead, b/c they have seen those near their house before...) My dad is concerned b/c he does not want his dog to get killed by a copperhead. What about your wife?????? :) Just kidding, it sounds like Robo is being a very good caregiver....


Holly said...

I'm glad she's doped up now! Maybe she's say some crazy things...break out the tape recorder!

Ruth said...

HOLY COW!! What an ordeal! I am so glad everything is ok now!