Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yesterday was the funeral. There is nothing quite like going through a house, through someone's personal belongings dividing it all up into catagories. All of our family was there together, which was nice. No great grandchildren, but the rest of the family. Mom is still there, with dad and Uncle Mike and Aunt Susan. Keep them in your prayers. Last night Brandon and I left Paris about 8:30. In tow we had TJ (remember that dog I was telling you about). Well, it is confirmed: the dog DEFINITELY knows that something has happened and he is depressed. He sat on the sofa, on Soft Hair's shirt all day yesterday. :( The good news... We took him to my great-uncle's house and I really think he will be happy there. My great aunt even cooked him some chicken, which he is used to eating... He used to have chicken EVERY day... It was very sad dropping him off though, and he cried. He actually whimpered for a great deal of the 2 hour car ride...

On to the service, it was so nice. My dad said a beautiful eulogy and the Army was there to fold and present a flag. They also had a bugle player (bugler??) who played TAPS. This was very emotional, but very fitting and nice.

A funeral service or memorial service, is about faith, and God and everlasting life. This morning we had the honor of attending a baptism for a dear friend's daughter. We were a tiny bit late and sitting in the last row. It was very emotional for me. Imagine that this little baby was being blessed and welcomed into her Christian life and family. She has her entire life in front of her. She has a wonderful family and friends that will continue to show and teach her about God. Yesterday, I went to a beautiful church service where we honored a man and celebrated his spirit receiving Everlasting life. Today, I witnessed a young life beginning her spiritual journey and walk with God. A spiritual journey lasts a lifetime, and according to John, that life is Everlasting, so the funeral is a celebration for the soul as much as a Baptism is a celebration of the soul. Peace be with Soft Hair and Hayley, for they are at different points, but both important milestones in their Spiritual Journey.


Katie said...

I'm so sorry for you loss Mallie, he sounds like he was an amazing guy. The little doggy is just heart breaking.

Holly said...

What a beautiful post. I pray for peace and comfort for you all. Love you so much.

Ruth said...

Mallie, you have written a very touching observation on the two important services in one's life! Thank you for your words!